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Matt Katz

  • The New Jersey governor may simply have missed his window by declining to run in 2012. Christie threw everything at getting traction in Iowa and New Hampshire but fell short in both.
  • WNYC's Matt Katz reports that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is getting in the presidential race Tuesday. He would be the 14th Republican to launch a bid for the White House.
  • The New Jersey governor may be grabbing national headlines for the Bridgegate scandal, but it's the slow Superstorm Sandy recovery that's causing him headaches back home.
  • Uncovered emails and text messages link Gov. Chris Christie's administration to a scandal involving the closing of lanes leading to the country's most traveled bridge. It snarled traffic for days. The emails add evidence to claims from state Democrats that the closure was political retribution for a mayor who did not endorse Christie for re-election.
  • An email thread released Wednesday is raising more questions about whether lanes were closed on the George Washington Bridge as political payback. The emails indicate that top officials in New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's administration are involved in the closures — motivated more by politics than a traffic study, as originally claimed.