The 30th Annual Finger Lakes Grassroots Festival scheduled for this July is postponed until next year. From their website: "Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we will postpone the 30th Anniversary Celebration until July 22-25, 2021. Culture Camp is also postponed until July 18-21, 2021. The health and safety of everyone (performers, music lovers, vendors & staff) is our primary consideration and supersedes everything else.
GrassRoots has been in consultation with public health officials, who agree with this decision: "The Health Department supports the proactive decision by the GrassRoots organization to promote social distancing and protect public health by postponing the Summer 2020 festival. This decision is consistent with our current guidance and that of the State to cancel large gatherings that have the potential to increase the spread of COVID-19. While it is unknown what the next few months will bring, we know the long-term planning involved with GrassRoots each year and we recognize the sacrifice and disappointment to many in our community who look forward to this annual event.” –Frank Kruppa, Public Health Director, Tompkins County.
Jeb has a video message posted on their website:
Complete details are on the Grassroots Website.
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